- Bare-Bones team Deathmatch
- Hardcore HQ
- Multi-Bomb Search and Destroy
- Hardcore FFA
360 Fanboy described them perfectly:
Harcore HQ and FFA are fairly self-explanatory, as they are simply more hardcore versions of standard gametypes. They include higher damage and no HUD, so tactics are key. Multi-Bomb Search and Destroy, unsurprisingly, gives all memebers of the attacking team a bomb for their planting pleasure. Bare-Bones Team Deathmatch may be the most intriguing of the bunch, as it removes all perks and kill streak rewards. In other words, you can't blame all your deaths on enemies that poop grenades when they die.
These playlists are in testing so I have no idea when they will be publicly playable.

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Think you need to update the title for this... as it is new playlists, no mention of maps at all in the article...
thanks Jason
i wasn't thinking when i made the title
i sub-consciously want new maps
Its cool... just had me drooling at first thinking about new maps already (although news of new playlists are sweet as well) ~_^
Let's hope these playlists are free.
I just spent all my microsoft points on Geometry Wars 2 (well worth it)
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