A few weeks ago I picked up Guitar Hero Aerosmith mostly for the guitar that came with it because mine is an old white corded X-Plorer from Guitar Hero II. Since I have exhausted all the songs in Guitar Hero III, I thought Guitar Hero Aerosmith would be the perfect bundle with a fresh song list and a nice looking guitar to shred with. This game really is just Guitar Hero III filled with Aerosmith songs and few from some other bands. There were a couple of Run-DMC songs stuck in there that I really enjoyed. You could also play as DMC in the game; Run-DMC in Guitar Hero how could you not enjoy it. The career mode is tiring towards the end I was just begging for the last song to come. After a couple of hours the screeching voice of Stephen Tyler blaring threw my speakers got on my nerves. Another negative about this game is that it is not too challenging. I play Guitar Hero on expert level but I can only get past the 6th tier of songs and then the next song set is rather challenging for me. In Guitar Hero Aerosmith I plowed through all of the songs and the only one that gave me trouble was the last song "Train Kept A Rollin'" which I failed and am still stuck on. Still this game is much easier than the earlier Guitar Heros. The guitar that it came with is really cool, it has a sick Aerosmith faceplate.

Verdict: Only purchase this game if:
1.) You need a new guitar
2.) You desperately need a new setlist to hold you off until Guitar Hero World Tour
3.) You are a big Aerosmith fan
If you are not any of those three things this game is not for you
My Rank
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