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Gears 2 New & Notes
The Gears of War 2 special edition that I posted about earlier will in fact include a miniature replica model Lancer. Just like the Halo 3 Legendary edition it is rumored to priced at a cool 130$. When we get more new on what you get with it I will be sure to post it. I don't know if I am going to get the special edition yet; thats like 2 games and A HALFYou might have heard that in Gears 2 there will be linked achievements. Some people were probably like "What in tarnation is linked achievements?". Don't be ashamed my southern example I will enlighten you. A linked achievement is when a game recognizes previously earned achievements from another game and unlocks new content based on their unlocked status. In Gears 2's case it will recognizes achievements from Gears 1 to unlock new content. Here are a few examples- Unlocking the "Completed Act 1" achievement in GoW unlocks Anthony Carmine in GoW2 multiplayer.
- Unlocking the "A Dish Best Served Cold" achievement in GoWunlocks General RAAM in GoW2 multiplayer.
- Unlocking the "Time to Remember" achievement in GoW unlocks Minh Young Kim in GoW2 multiplayer.

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